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             Fresh produce, Industrial,              Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics
 Multi-use Polypropylene Packaging

The corrugated polypropylene, otherwise known as "Corriboard", is widely used in various industries for the construction of product packaging, signs, containers, dividers, boxes etc.

Corriboard structures represent the ideal answer to meet the requirements for packaging in the food industry such as the Fruit & Vegetable sector and Fish as well as in Industrial Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics fields.

Products’ characteristics are:
- durable

- fungus and mold proofing
- absence of bacterial proliferation
- chemical resistant

 - ease of cleaning

- waterproof
- possibility of sterilization
- lightweight
- ease of picking and handling
- 100% recyclability.


Corriboard is a versatile material which can easily be printed and transformed into pretty much any structure imaginable.

Among other uses they are widely popular for producing "multiple use" BoxesPromotional StandsSigns and product Packaging.


Why is Corriboard so popular?

Here are a few of Corriboard's advantages: 

  • It's ECO Friendly - as opposed to PVC
  • It is a low-cost option
  • It is extremely Lightweight which makes it easy to use
  • It is very durable
  • It can easily be printed
  • It can easily be transformed into any structure you can imagine
  • Boxes and structures made out of Corriboard can be used multiple times

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#1 Vinyl just hit 25-year high in sales last year.

Sales of vinyl in 2016 reached a 25-year high as consumers young and old have once again embraced physical formats of music.

More than 3.2m LPs were sold last year, a rise of 53% on last year and the highest number since 1991 when Simply Red’s Stars was the bestselling album. This was also the first year that spending on vinyl outstripped that spent on digital downloads. The statistics, compiled by BPI, show that this is the ninth consecutive year that vinyl has grown.

via: The Guardian [ Record sales: vinyl hits 25-year high]

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Certain printing jobs are called for to fulfill a number of requirements such as the ability to withstand exposure to sun, wind, rain, prolonged periods of time in storage rooms etc. 

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When buying a car, consumers are very critical particularly when it comes to appearances. Screen printing, with its colour brilliance and its versatility,  plays a key role in the automotive industry.


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